New Patients

Practice Area

The Devonshire Lodge Practice does not accept ‘out of area’ patients. Patients currently registered with us who move away will need to register with a new local GP.

New patients wishing to register with the practice must live in our catchment area (see map) and must complete the application pack (available at reception or see below to download).

Please click on the map image for a larger version.

Catchment Area

Register as a New Patient

To assist us in locating your previous medical record it would be useful if you have your NHS number.

We would prefer to see a recent (last 3 months) utility bill, bank statement or similar, but there is no legal requirement to do so.

The name on the documents must be the registrant’s name unless you can provide a marriage certificate or deed of change of name.

Your registration status with us will depend on whether you are a visitor, staying temporarily in the area or are a permanent resident.

As it often takes some time for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are offered a new patient health check with the nurse.

Further information about the Registration process is available on the NHS website (see HERE)

The Accountable GP

The practice has a requirement to assign an ‘Accountable GP’ to all registered patients. All patients are assigned to a GP in the practice and this will be recorded on their medical record as their ‘Usual GP’.

Patients will be advised of their assigned Accountable GP when they join the practice. 

Should a patient express a preference as to which GP within the practice they would prefer to have as their assigned Accountable GP, then the practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the request. Requests to change an assigned Accountable GP should be made by email to the practice.

Registration Pack

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